Monday, March 18, 2013

A little more about me

My Perfect Day.

my perfect day.
I would wake up slowly, with a slow inhale through my nose. I open my eyes and see my ceiling glowing a warm, soft, sunshine yellow. My room would be decorated like the little girls attic room in THE LITTLE PRINCESS movie. I would lay there for a few minutes listening to my breathing and not thinking a thought until I get the strength to prop myself onto my elbows. I would look around and smile.Then the first thing would pop into my head, whats for breakfast? I would walk downstairs and there would be the breakfast from THE LITTLE PRINCESS movie with every kind of food.I would look down and be dressed in a sun dress with a large, over sized hat and a small woven purse on a long string. I would walk out side and see a white unicorn waiting in my drive way for me. I would hop on its bare back and he would start running through the field of golden barley. He would stop running when we reach a weeping willow tree in the middle in nowhere with nothing and no one around us. Near the weeping willow tree is a small stream lined with a few fairy houses. A picnic basket would be waiting for me under the willow tree. I would sit and sink my teeth into a nice big, juicy slice of watermelon, seedless of course. Then I would eat fairy sandwiches like the ones my granddaddy used to make. I would then slip my leather sandals off and walk into the middle of the stream. The bottom of the stream is covered with smooth round cobble stones but I don't slip on the smoothness I just stand there.I look down and the water is perfectly clear. Then an orchestra starts playing lively music and my feet take over and I'm dancing with the fairies in the middle if the stream. This happens for a few hours until the sun starts to dim. Then I sit under the weeping willow tree, lay down and look at the changing sky through the low hanging boughs until the stars come out. I then stand up to dance with the fireflies until I get tired and lie down. I slowly close my eyes as the the gentle wind rocks me to sleep.