Monday, September 2, 2013

Lists and Poetry

List 1: 10 things I know to be true

1.I know my family loves me
2.I know God loves me
3.I know my family happy, safe and healthy
4.Airplanes are loud
5. People are generally good
6.There is always someone better than you
7.Life is precious
8. Animal crackers are the snacks of the Gods
9.You can never robbed of your intelligence
10.Fairies and Mermaids are real

List 2: 10 objects I can’t live without

            1.Pearl necklace strung by my Grandmummy
            2. The ring I received as a 16th birthday gift from my mom
            4.A pictue of Jesus
            5.My stuffed animal Mr.Piggy
            6.Toothbrush, toothpaste, and floss
            7.A good pair of shoes
            8. My moms hot chocolate
            9.My sisters clothes
            10. Shampoo

List 3: 10 things I should have learned by now

1.     What 12 x 12 equals by memory
2.     How to tolerate crying babies on an airplane
3.     I should have learned by now to take care of myself before I take care others
4.     How to avoid biting my nails
5.     What primer does for your face
6.     To always wear sun screen
7.     To excersice daily
8.     How to be a morning person
9.     To have better posture
10.  To spend more time and energy on family members

List 4: 10 of my greatest fears
1.     Causing anyone heart ache or pain
2.     Being in pain
3.     Being alone
4.     My mom or sister not being happy, safe, and/or healthy
5.     The dark
6.     Never amounting to anything
7.     Being rejected
8.     Being suppressed
9.     Dieing painfully
10.  Not being able to help someone or doing something wrong

List 5: The 10 things, places, people etc, that make me the most happy

1.     Mommy
2.     Ashley
3.     Brownie
4.     May May
5.     Sue
6.     Italy
7.     Art museums
8.     Natural history museums
9.     Mom and pop cafes
10.  Movies

List 6: 10 places I will visit before I die
1.     Italy, again
2.     The Bahamas
3.     Hawaii
4.     New York
5.     The moon
6.     Paris, France
7.     Wales
8.     England
9.     Germany
10.  India

Step 2: Self Portrait Poem

Love of the sun
Love of the moon
Love of the stars
Who feels soft
Who feels warms
Who feels reptilian
Who needs chocolate
Who needs sunblock
Who needs a new desk
Who gives time
Who gives praise
Who gives love
Who fears scalpels
Who fears the red death
Who fears heights
Who would liketo see Cher
Who would like to see Florence and The Machine
Who would like to see Granddaddy
Who lives in an old white house

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