Monday, September 2, 2013

Blog Reviews
    A mormon at Oxford is a very interesting blog. The lay out and design of the blog seems to emulate the essence of the authoris, a lawyer from provo utah who has her own law group in England. The focus of the site changes throughout her posts, sometimes work, sometimes family but its mostly about anchoring her faith while going through life and its many obstacles.The content defiantly matches the focus, she ties her faith into every post she makes. Her writing style is very informative and light. She uses grammar and punctuation well. The blog is very much effective in capturing its audience, who are family and working class people. is a charm full and delightful blog. Twaggies takes twitter posts from all over twitter and makes illustrations of them. Usually the tweets they twaggie have misspellings or are making fun of celebrities in some way. The design of Twaggies is very minimalistic insofar as the website is back and white except for the twaggies, illustrations, themselves. The focus of the site is humor. The content is sometimes not aligned with the focus. Just in the sense that sometimes a twaggie isn’t very funny but I guess that just depends on the audience’s perception of the joke. Twaggies message of humor at the cost of humanities idiocy is effective. The intended audience for this blog/website is the younger to middle aged generation. There are no interesting facts about the author of the blog because the blog commission’s different artists to produce the twaggies so it’s more of a community of authors as opposed one sole author. is a delightful and fun blog to escape to after having a hard days work. is a fun lifestyle blog/website. When you first go to the page you see a navigation bar and the top post for the day all written in young, lady like font. The focus of the site is to better yourself. There are tips and tutorials on how to do make up different ways and different hairstyles, clothing ideas, fitness routines and diet plans. The content defiantly matches the focus. I feel like I’m going to a virtual wellness spa every time I visit the blog/website. The authors voice is very helpful, young, descriptive, concise and to the point. The grammar and punctuation is very good. The sites message is of self-wellness is very effective. The intended audience for this blog is 13 to 25 year old girls in school. I love this blog because it is my go to website for anything girly!

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