Thursday, August 8, 2013

From the Virtual World to the Real One, Join in the Conversation

Post #3 – Write a well-developed paragraph on the following question:  How can you use your talents and interests to “join the conversation” online?    Make sure to title your post to reflect the meaning and essence of your writing.  Add a visual element.

 Joining the conversation, especially online, is a very valuable skill to have in terms of communication to co-worker, higher ups, and just in general. Joining the conversation, I believe, is harder to do in real life. There’s always that pit in my stomach when I want to add my two cents to the discussion and sometimes I chicken out and don’t join the discussion because I'm afraid of rejection or complete judgment. Online, however, I believe it is easer to join the conversation. Because if you join in on a discussion online then if you do get rejected or judges you can just go to a different site and just leave the discussion. I think sharpening my talent of being able to join conversations online will help me join conversations face to face because I will be more comfortable with critical feedback and feel safer knowing that if I can have the courage to say this online then I can certainly have the courage to say it in real life. 

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